Upcoming Live Events

Our mission is to build, boost and counsel you individually and collectively on the path to finding marital bliss in your marriage. All for the glory of God!

- Dates & Times:
- EPIC Singles [Session Fri. 21st, 6-9 pm] (5 pm Registration)
- EPIC Husbands & Wives [Session #1 Fri. 21st, 7-9 pm]
- EPIC Couples [Sessions #2 & #3 Sat. 22nd, 9-1 pm & 3-6 pm]
- Morning Worship Service Sun. 23rd, 8-11 am
- EPIC Couples [Session #4 - Sun. 23rd, 3-7 pm]
VENUE: Harbor Club - Rodney Bay Marina, St. Lucia
EARLYBIRD INVESTMENT: Singles USD $149 - Session #1 on Friday Evening
Couples USD $449 All Sessions on Fri. to Sun. (Sat. lunch is included for 2). PLEASE NOTE: TICKET PRICES WILL INCREASE AT THE DOOR
HOSTS: Drs. Jason & Tinasha Gray in collaboration with Team Sabazan, The Alexanders from Grenada, Team Minter from Atlanta, Team Jeremie from North Carolina and local St. Lucian Marriage Advocates.
Swag bags, books, giveaways and conference materials will be provided to in-person participants. Additional books & vendors with merch will be available for purchase during the conference.
"Vision Restored" - 20/20 Vision for your Marriage!
The most popular medical surgery is laser eye surgery because people desire to have their vision restored in the physical realm. What about your "Vision" in your marriage? Let's reset and restore your vision.
WhatsApp 678-237-2079 | Info@sourceofwellness.org
Social Media: @epicmarriages | @tinashagrayshow | @106liveradio
All Books Are Available On WWW.AMAZON.COM
"EPIC Grenada was a three-course meal intensionally served with an appetizer, main course & dessert." - Glenesha McIntosh, Author of G.M. Sunshine Devotionals
- In March 2022 – The Topic of Triggers and Patterns was the appetizer that stimulated the appetite, awakened the senses, and heightened the anticipation for what's to come.
- In March 2023 - The Topic of Roadmap to Intimacy was the Main Course, which is usually substantial, large, and is the heaviest, heartiest most important portion of a meal.
- And the dessert, well, it was a sweet dish. In March 2024 - ReExamination For Love! Many couples share their love story and most defining moments thus far. Our conference offered an indulging treat that some say helped to ease digestion and raise serotonin levels in the brain, to make us feel calmer and happier. 1 Corinthians 13:7 “[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes & always perseveres.”
Get ready to strengthen your relationship from the comfort of your own home with our online event. Join us for a day filled with insightful sessions, interactive workshops and expert advice on how to make your marriage thrive. Don't miss out on this opportunity to invest in your marriage and take it to the next level.
ZOOM Date & Times: (All Day Saturday) Register here for Zoom access on Saturday, March 22nd, 2025 @10 - 6 pm | Cost: $75 USD/$200 EC REGISTER HERE FOR ZOOM!
LUNCH & LEARN SCHEDULE: Please have a chat with us during our lunch break.
Team Gray @1:15 - 1:45 pm | Team Sabazan @1:45 - 2:15 pm | Team Minter @2:15 - 2:45 pm
Training and practical applications on the topic of wellness.
Source of Wellness Ministries provides training and teaches practical application on the topic of wellness. The contents of The Source of Wellness Series of books are used to clear the path to a flourishing life. Connection to The Source - God is the theme of these life transformative seminars.
This passion for living well-balanced is the driving force behind our ministry. We believe living balanced will allow individuals to soar above mediocrity.

Past Events

Epic Marriage Conference 2023

Register For In-Person EPIC Conference
DATES: Friday, March 24 to Sunday 26, 2023 EPIC Conference (for Couples & Singles).
LOCATION: Gateway, Point Saline, St. George's Grenada W.I.
HOSTS: Hosted by Jason & Tinasha Gray. Our Special Speaker Stephani J from Live Coaching with Stephani J. In collaboration with Pastor Paul & Dorret Alexander, Pastor Jim & Ruthlyn Andrew, Mrs. Hilary Alexander, Ms. Pheobe, Team Fuqua, Team Noel, Team Childs, Team Mitchell (YWAM) and others.
Sign up for future Events, Seminars, and Retreats using the form below and we will send you more details.

Epic Marriage Conference 2022
DATES: March 24-26, 2022
LOCATION: Coyaba Beach Resort - Grenada, W.I.
HOSTS: Hosted by Jason & Tinasha Gray. Our Special Speakers are Rev. James & Tryphena Richardson, Rev. Joachim & Lindarine Phillip and Dr. Curtis & Bobbie Minter. Authors and Marriage Advocates books will be provided to the participants in attendance. Additional books will be available for purchase during the conference.

Topics Covered
1. Spiritual Wellness
2. Emotional Wellness
3. Physical Wellness
4. Social Wellness
5. Intellectual Wellness
6. Environmental Wellness
7. Vocational Wellness
8. Conclusion, Challenge & Celebration
Register today for the next upcoming Well-Balanced Life Webinar!
Wellness Seminar Details
DURATION: 8 - Ninety Minutes Live or Online Classes
TEXT BOOKS: The Source Of Wellness Series
Volume 1 -7
WELLNESS EDUCATORS: Jason & Tinasha Gray
Each session has built-in time for Q&A.

Sign up using the form below:
Declaration of Faith
I declare, in spite of all that is happening around me - All is well. Still, I will blossom abundantly as a desert rose. I will come forth as the ransomed from captivity with gladness, joy, and singing. Sighing and despair will flee from my inhabitation. I will flourish just like the palm tree, in Jesus name. Amen!
Your life shall blossom abundantly and rejoice, even with joy and singing. Isaiah 35:2 (AMP)
The righteous will flourish like the date palm [long-lived, upright and useful]; They will grow like a cedar in Lebanon [majestic and stable]. Psalms 92:12 (AMP)
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