Source of Wellness Ministries provides wisdom, comfort, and coaching with Spirit-led heart-to-heart conversations.
We believe optimal health and wellness is attainable. Therefore, we incorporate a holistic approach to the Spirit-Soul-Body connection through counseling and wellness education. The whole man is embraced as we minister to young adults, families, couples, and groups.
“In the multitude of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 11:14).
FEE: The fee per 50-minute session of counseling is $50. For more information and to schedule please click the link below to fill out your
Are you offended? How do you know if you are still offended?
Let’s take an inventory to find out by checking your pulse...
Mark 11:25-26 AMP 25
“Whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him [drop the issue, let it go], so that your Father who is in heaven will also forgive you your transgressions and wrongdoings [against Him and others]. 26 [But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your transgressions.”
List of Services Offered
- Assertiveness Training
- Conflict Resolution
- Deliverance Ministry
- Divorce Recovery
- Family Therapy
- Gift Analysis
- Grief Counseling
- Group Wellness Education
- Inner Healing
- Life Coaching
- Epic Marriage Ministries
- Parenting Classes
- Stress Management
- Upper Room Prayer
- Well-Balanced Life Seminars
Client Testimonials
Our family is blessed to have met Team Gray.
They are the real deal when it comes to identifying and facing the issues of the heart. Jason & Tinasha are authentic and impartial counselors. For awhile my wife and I were stuck doing the fear dance but now we can testify that the truth has set us free.
After all the sessions we had, the number one lesson that stayed with us is that we are both on the same team. - Grenada, W.I.
Tish, thank you! To me, your Massages mixed with prayer and counseling sessions were the absolute best! - Georgia, USA
When I started counseling in 2019, I was convinced that the odds were stacked up against me. This ministry has walked with me through Grief and Inner Healing.
Now I know, I'm not in this battle alone; the Lord is with me. - United Kingdom
Thank you for helping me improve my self-esteem and confidence.
I will gladly refer others to you for the Assertiveness Training which turned my poor communication into more positive interactions with my spouse. - Florida, USA
In April 2019, I met Tinasha when I was hanging by a thread. Your daily radio program, counseling and testimony have inspired me tremendously.
My life was impacted and transformed by the show you did on THE POWER OF CHOICE! Also, how to evaluate the soil of my heart and the fruit of my life using the parable of the sower.
- Massachusetts, USA
Source of Wellness Ministries is a breath of fresh air. You will come forth as the ransomed from captivity with GLADNESS, JOY AND SINGING. Sighing and despair will flee from your inhabitation. You and yours will FLORISH just like the PALM TREE. You will BLOSSOM ABUNDANTLY as a DESERT ROSE. Isaiah 35:2 & Psalms 92:12 - Georgia, USA
Career & Business Development Coaching
Career, Authorship & Business Development
Everyone's journey is unique! we tailor the session to suit your specific needs. Together, let's discover and unblock the path. This is your opportunity for Acceleration, Advancement and Achievement.
Ask yourself these thought-provoking questions
- Do I need to explore new methods?
- Am I well-equipped to take my business to the next level?
- Do I need assistance with setting goals?
- Do I need assistance with digital marketing?
- Do I need assistance with graphics design?
- Do I need assistance with content (audio & video) creation?
- Do I need assistance with scriptwriting?
- Am I ready to learn new skills?
- Can I benefit from a career coach?
- Is this a good time to expand my network of contacts?
If you answered yes to at least 3 of the previous questions, you should consider enrolling in our career and business development program.
We provide ongoing professional e-support in Management & Leadership development. Our program is designed for lifelong learning. It includes career pathing education, mentoring, skill development and professional experiences to help you grow.
We can assist and improve your brand!

Brief Statements of Faith
1. We believe the Bible is the absolute truth. Therefore, we offer Christian counsel and minister base on the foundation of the Word of God.
For in Him we live, move, and have our being…
Acts 17:28
2. We believe, in the beginning, God created the universe. God; Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit created human, both male (husband) and female (wife). Then, He placed them here in this beautiful environment, called earth.
3. God is Omnipresent (always present), He is Omniscient (knows all things), He is Immutable (cannot change), and Sovereign (unlimited in His abilities). He is very much interested in every aspect of your life. God is bound by His Word. He cannot lie; every word spoken will be fulfilled at the set time. God loves all of humanity and desires an authentic relationship with every human being.
4. Mankind was given authority over all earthly affairs to dominate the earth but not to dominate other human beings. Men and women possess a free will that allows them to consciously choose between good or evil, life or death, blessings or curses. Humanity was created in the very image of God. Hence, man is tripartite with spirit, soul, and body.
5. We believe optimal health and wellness is attainable. Therefore, we incorporate a holistic approach to the Spirit-Soul-Body connection through counseling and wellness education. The whole man is embraced as we minister to young adults, families, couples, and groups.
6. A Biblical view of Wholeness is considered during each session. According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, 'Wholeness' refers to completion or fullness, having all parts, not divided into parts or pieces. Wholeness is defined as the state of being balanced in body, soul (mind, will and emotions) and spirit. The objective is for each client to live without inner soulish wounds, physical maladies or spiritually dead.
7. We believe Salvation is the prelude to the restoration of the whole man (wholeness). We embrace and invite The Holy Spirit into every area of our counseling session. You will experience true transformation as He works to mature you. Eventually, you will experience optimum wellness in your spirit, soul, and body. Being whole is the master plan of Salvation.
8. An integrated approach is used to minister. We provide a blend of theological principles, psychological research, and Spirit-led approach to each client. The integrated approach allows the counselor to pray and openly share Biblical beliefs while embracing psychological research training to successfully counsel.
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