Source of Wellness Series
Source of Wellness Series - "Experience The Difference"
These 7 components are taught through The Source of Wellness Series Volumes 1-7

Your Source of Wellness is willing to partner with you; if you choose to walk hand-in-hand with Him!
The 7 components of wellness are taught through The Source of Wellness Series Volumes 1 - 7.
The topic of optimum wellness includes seven dimensions. This holistic view is related to your spirit, soul and body. All aspects of spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, social, environment and vocational welfare are addressed to bring balance to your existence.
VOLUME ONE - Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness is the springboard from which all the other facets of life interconnect. Imagine living in an atmosphere where the power, presence and peace of God is reflected in every area of your life. Just as a tree planted by the river is connected to water, nutrients and sunlight. You too can be rooted and established in a place of optimal wellness. Your intimate connection to God -The Source of Wellness, will allow you to live a well-balanced life despite your current circumstance.
VOLUME TWO - Emotional Wellness

The more you practice the safety drills associated with a natural disaster, the more alert and prepared you are during the real-life event. During a crisis, your thoughts, feelings and actions will significantly mimic your belief system. Life is filled with all levels of challenges. Your response to life’s many challenges should be synonymous with the truth that is written in the word of God. Your Source of Emotional Wellness stems from having a quiet assurance of God's love for you. His unwavering ability to keep you builds up your faith.
VOLUME THREE - Physical Wellness

The reflection you see in the mirror is only the outer part of your human being. The physical body serves as an earthly tabernacle or house, to host God’s presence. Your connection to The Source of Physical Wellness will heighten your awareness of God. Your appreciation of the whole man; body, soul and spirit will increase. As you know, your body will only last for a brief time on earth. Proper self-care of your physical body can improve your chances of a healthier, longer and more youthful life.
VOLUME FOUR - Social Wellness

Human beings are designed with the desire to fellowship with God and others. Living in a loving community fosters healthy interaction with others, and it is the basis of how society exists. The loving relationship you have with God will reflect in your fellowship with others. The world will always be able to identify a follower of Christ by your love for one another and by the good fruit you bear. As you remain in communion with The Source of Social Wellness, you will forever walk in the love of God in spite of your current circumstances.
VOLUME FIVE - Intellectual Wellness

Every person is born with an innate desire to learn and grow. No one possesses all wisdom, knowledge and understanding of every subject matter. The need to be well-rounded on various topics related to life is advantageous to your balanced life. Begin to shape your mindset on the truth of God’s Word. As a life-long learner and student of the Word of God, you will become wiser, more knowledgeable and full of understanding. God is exclusively The Source of Intellectual Wellness.
VOLUME SIX - Environmental Wellness

Planet earth is your temporary home. It was made for your enjoyment and to prepare you for your eternal home. Life on earth came with instructions, promises, benefits and future rewards. God created the earth with all the necessities required for you to exist comfortably. The entire universe belongs to God - The Source of Environmental Wellness. However, while you live on earth, you are given the task to dominate the earth. Ideally, you are responsible to reside, multiply, preserve, protect, respect and occupy the earth with gladness.
VOLUME SEVEN - Vocational Wellness

The fulfillment of abundant life here and in eternity is dependent on your choices. Your life's purpose, vision and mission should be aligned parallel to The Source of Vocational Wellness. Your unique combinations of skills, temperament, gifts and talents are all exclusive to you. Your vocation may be based on your interest, shape, life experiences, background and much more. However, to flourish and live well-balanced; you must give birth to your unquenchable God-ordained passions, innate dreams, visions and callings. No matter what you do or where you go; you will always have the same natural desires to fulfill a specific vocation.
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