"The Epic Event" Testimony
From Brokenness To Wholeness:
Rising above betrayal and the lifestyle of infidelity
Drs. Jason & Tinasha Gray have written a book together about their experience of rising above betrayal and the lifestyle of infidelity. From Brokenness To Wholeness gives a vivid account of the extensive journey, Jason and Tinasha embarked upon during the restoration of their broken marriage.
It is a powerful testimony of a thriving marriage that flourished, even after enduring twelve years of betrayal and adultery. Here, you will see an authentic description of how Tinasha and Jason, against all odds, they overcame the devastating effects of a betrayal and the lifestyle of infidelity.
The Epic Event
As you read, you will understand the process of grief and forgiveness, the couple went through to save their marital covenant. In this book, From Brokenness To Wholeness, the message of hope is affirmed to marriages that are currently filled with betrayal, lies, selfishness, single-mindedness, and broken trust. This story takes you through their extended journey from the dark years, into the rubbles of a painful tragedy, to a path of marital bliss for life.
This testimony is purposely described as “The Epic Event” because it features a monumental and sudden awakening. The couple peels back the curtain to reveal the series of giant steps they undertook to arrive at the point of inner healing on an individual level and then to matrimonial wholeness.
The extraordinary events are methodically divided into four distinct segments and are all a part of Jason and Tinasha’s most defining moments. The couple has recorded their experience and discussion of their transformation and has made it available for download.
1. Pre-Discovery Phase
Living in the darkness of infidelity - betrayal and beyond.
3. Restoration Phase
The process of consecration, grief, inner healing and forgiveness.
2. Full Disclosure Phase
Adultery, lies, & sexual addiction were confessed.
4. Wholeness Phase
The renewal and commitment to sacred marital vows.
Today Tinasha & Jason Gray walk renewed, restored, and redeemed from bondage.
The message and hope affirm marriages.
It points to their faith in God’s miraculous and restorative power to transform their brokenness into wholeness.
Click the photo above to see our Interview.
God is very interested in all of our relationships. Jason and Tinasha have successfully gone through their personal "Epic Event" and are open and transparent about the wonderful way God has healed and transformed their marriage. They are available to minister candidly at your event about topics related to relationships and marriages.
If you would like to have them or any of their team members speak at your upcoming event; please send an email to Info@sourceofwellness.org or fill out the Contact Us Form to invite them to your next event.

Jason Gray

Tinasha Gray
Core Beliefs As Advocates of Marriages:
We believe marriage is a sacred covenant relationship between a man and a woman.
We believe in fostering spiritual, emotional, financial and physical intimacy.
We believe in the power of forgiveness.
We believe with honesty and humility; true repentance is achieved.
We believe couples should pray together and for each other.
We believe as we shine the light of Christ, every trace of darkness will be rooted up.
We believe in true restoration of broken individuals and marriages.
We believe agreement should always be based on the Word of God.
We believe spouses should serve each other with the attitude of Christ.
We believe, in order for a marriage to be made whole; both individuals must first be healed and made whole from deep-rooted wounds of the past.
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