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Epic Ministry Explained

Marriage Ministry for Couples, Men and Women

Out of “The Epic Event,” EPIC Marriage Ministry was birthed.
The word EPIC is an acronym meaning
Examination | Purification | Inner Healing | Complete Closure
The completion of the written work of From Brokenness to Wholeness has amazingly emerged.
All Glory to God!

Who Are We?

EPIC is a marriage ministry inspired by our miraculous testimony of restoration. We were once living in darkness. With divorce, betrayal and infidelity in our past, we have risen above pain and grief. Together, we soar to higher heights with a mission to see the power of oneness exist in the lives of others. As a united couple, we have conquered and are now serving those who need power and peace.


The mission of EPIC is to advocate and assist in the eradication of brokenness and darkness in the lives of individuals and marriages. With our testimony and message of restoration; we minister truth, forgiveness, and wholeness. We accomplish this by shining the light of hope, through the use of Biblical principles.

The Epic Event In Conclusion

Together, Jason and Tinasha Gray have emerged out of “The Epic Event” with a new vision and mission for their future. As you have heard them testify; at the end of it all, there is wholeness on an individual level and in their marriage union. After processing the events of the past, they have a fresh revelation of their identity, gifts and purpose.

During that marathon of the journey, they have sought counsel from the Lord. God has examined the secret places of their hearts. Purification of their lives, Inner Healing and Complete Closure from the betrayal and the lifestyle of infidelity is now a result of “The Epic Event.”

Together, they are on a mission to share their powerful testimony about the miraculous restoration of their marriage. As they continue to share the testimony of hope; to seek to compel, empower, and coach other couples and individuals to live in alignment with God’s will. Jason and Tinasha’s greatest desire is to stand in the gap; as advocates for purity, restoration and wholeness.

This testimony is purposely described as “The Epic Event” because it features a monumental and sudden awakening. Today, the couple will peel back the curtain to reveal the series of giant steps they undertook to arrive at the point of inner healing on an individual level and then to matrimonial wholeness.
The extraordinary events are methodically divided into four distinct segments. The pre-discovery phase, full disclosure phase, restoration phase and wholeness phase are all a part of Jason and Tinasha’s most defining moments. Together they walk in the miraculous restorative power of God. Their marriage is thriving and triumphant because of their faith in God. Today, they walk renewed, restored, and redeemed from bondage.

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